Hau'oli Makahiki Hou!
Photo: Welmoet Glover - Moet Photography
Hello 2022
The seemingly impossible 2020 brought us all out of our elements. The inevitable changes with scary moments of unsure steps we strived and persevered. By Spring 2021 what was seemingly impossible became simply challenging. Renewed HOPE!
With this year ending and our efforts seen we step into our new year bold and daring enough to believe in the abundant good out there. Charged with the power of hope and new enthusiasm we approach with resolve to find opportunities in each day. To strive and thrive beyond the challenges we face. A new perspective on how we see the shapes of life. How to define our lives which determines our destiny.
We will be reaching that magical moment where the past and the future exist at once in the present. 2022 - we come with a new definition of promises and determination. With an open heart find experiences anewed. Reflect on all our blessings. Appreciative and inspired.
We've had our set back now it is time for our come back.
Thank you and please continue to walk this journey with us. With resilience let us focus on the big picture. Let's put our hope into Doing, Becoming, and Being. And yes, don't forget to rejuvenate the FUN!
Hau'oli Makahiki Hou! Happy New Year