The “Wonder” of this year’s Solstice for Hula Anyone was inspirational.
The collaboration with Mariano Silva and The Brazilian Cultural Center for this year’s Summer Solstice celebration was an invigorating integration into another culture of family. Their infectious energy and warm souls were wonders to behold. Thank you Mariano Silva, Zoe Carlson and your community members for embracing Hula Anyone to be a part of your ensemble.
Hotel Santa Barbara graciously allowed us to use their conference room as our staging area, our heartfelt warm gratitude.
To the parents of our children, our keiki (children), and all the Hula Anyone dancers, thank you for all your hard work and participation.
Once more Hula Anyone members and families demonstrated reciprocity in a nurturing relationship. We developed new life long friendships while fostering an awareness of group dynamics and personal sensitivity towards others.
We discovered new aspects of ourselves while exploring, learning, and respecting differences TOGETHER. That is a “Wonder”.
Ohana, thank you!